Today's Reading August 27
And so we begin another week
This posting has a pause in it, one you can't see. We have 3 cats. Correction, we had 3 cats. They went out last night. This morning, I had to go outside and pick up the lifeless body of one of them for disposal. It was my daughter's favorite, and had been moping since she moved out. So she is gone. The one that my other daughter favored was fed this morning but was very upset and ate little. The third, the one my beloved wife dotes on, has not shown up for breakfast, very unlike him. I rather suspect poison as a cause of death. Oh, and yesterday, our air conditioning went out. Not good in Lower Alabama in summer.
So we're having a tough day. I hope we can be forgiven this.
Our Old Testament portion this morning is Psalms 132, 133, 134, and 135. We are, by the way, getting close to concluding the Psalms, about a week yet.
Out of all of this, there is one verse in particular to point out
1 Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!Many of us have known the opposite situation all too well.
Our evening New Testament reading for this evening comes from 1st Corinthians chapter 8.
Paul is continuing to present both doctrine and practice to the church. It remains very applicable to us.
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