31 December 2007

A thought about the war we're in

I was watching a series of postings over on the National Review Online Corner the other day. They were going back and forth on the issue of the threat to the nation posed by the Islamofascist jihadists. The stance taken by several, including by John Derbyshire who I normally agree with, is that lacking mass armies, ICBM's, tank divisions, and a navy, the Islamists pose no strategic threat to the US in particular and to western civilization in general. I disagree, strongly, but several of the combatants don't post an e-mail to contact them. I sent a message to the general e-mail address there, but 3 days later have had no acknowledgment of receipt which of course they are not obligated to do.
But I'd like to make my message to them more public, and to amplify upon it briefly.

Sir -
It would seem to me that arguments over the relative lethality of jihadist methods (including but not limited to suicide bombings, flying into buildings, etc.) in comparison to the SovUnion's ICBM's miss much of the point.
The purposes of warfare of any kind are not so much to stack up the bodies, the purposes are to gain the aims that you have set. If you can attain your ends with zero deaths, fine. If not, call out the battalions and send out the SSBM's. The Islamo-heathens have no ICBM's. But they DO seem to be making headway in achieving their goals, bit by bit. Note, for example, the situation in Canada now ref Mark Steyn - there are things you may not say, or at least publish. Theo van Gough is dead in Europe and who dares to take up his role? Mosques are built everywhere in Europe and the US, but no churches or synagogues may be builit in House-of-Saud-afflicted Arabia by law, and in most de facto Muslim countries in practice. Taxpayers in Michigan and elsewhere fund footbaths for for Muslims, yet a ''Merry Christmas'' or even a ''Ho Ho Ho!'' may get you fired.
Speak against Islam in much of the world and you may end up dead, or imprisoned or fined even in a ''secular'' state. A mere rumor of 'desecration' of a Koran (that loathsome pack of lies written by a child molester at the behest of a demon) will lead immediately to riots in places widely separated, followed by promises to respect this pack of lies and to bring the 'desecrators to justice'. Want to talk about teachers and schoolgirls murdered in Southeast Asia?
We have seen all of this and more for some time. They are succeeding in imposing their will upon us. What better description is there of the strategic ends of warfare?
The result has been that the Muslims continue to make gains. They don't need ICBM's to do so. I will believe myself wrong when Mecca is a large radioactive hole filled with the blood and guts of swine and with Korans floating in it. Something on the order of post-WW2 Tokyo or Hiroshima or Berlin. But not until.

Islam delenda est.

Now the point here is that warfare comes about as a means to an end, sometimes more than one, but not generally as an end in itself.
The means may be a function of what you have to work with, may be a function of your enemy, may be a function of several things. But before you get to that point, you have to have an objective. Pure survival is surely one, but another is to be able to impose your will on the enemy to some extent.
Yet everywhere I look, western civilization, what was once called Christendom, is in retreat. Dearborn Michigan is now referred to as Dearbornistan. The Islamo-swine control large sections of the areas around Paris and periodically riot and otherwise exert their hold. Mark Steyn, and his publishers, are being hauled around various kangaroo courts in Canada because quoting some Muslims apparently hurt the feelings of other Muslims. Movie theaters are bombed in Thailand. Schoolgirls and their teachers are routinely murdered in various parts of southeast Asia. The President of the United States refers to Islam as a great peaceful religion, something he must know is a lie. The head of a financial institution in Britain is fired when he makes an accurate comment on the Islam-swine. So does an adviser to the Rudy Giuliani campaign in the US. Priests are murdered in Turkey, by Muslims. Christians are murdered in Egypt, by Muslims. And in Jordan. And Syria. And Lebanon. Oh, and in the Netherlands as well, remember Theo van Gough?
They don't need ICBM's, they've done all of this will commercial explosives, box cutters, and knives.
Time to fight back by any and all means. These people are slaves to a false religion. Islam is nothing more nor less than the worship of a demon and its adherents are destined for Hell. That is not something to celebrate. They too, need to be liberated. This war can not be won just by bombs and bullets. We need Bibles too.

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