04 January 2008

More from the Islamo-fascist Swine January 04, 2008

Curses unceasing be upon the head of Muhammad the faithless and accursed liar.
May all copies of the detestable Koran be used as toilet paper.
May Mecca become a breeding ground for swine and dogs and may dogs urinate upon the Ka'aba daily, as befitting a shrine to a demon.

Now that that's out of the way (and feel free to add any invective desired).
I want to call your attention to a delightful little article in, of all places, the Yemen Times paper. It is entitled There must be violence against women
It gives an interesting insight to what passes for thought amongst these demon-besotted dogs and pigs. You probably won't see this highlighted on ABC or CBS or CNN and it won't be an article in the New York Slimes. But read it anyway.

Islam is evil. It has always been evil. It is inherently evil. It will always be evil. It's adherents are slaves to a religion of evil that is sending them straight to Hell to join the accursed Muhammad and the demon named Allah. Let us not pretend otherwise.

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