28 July 2020

Today's Readings and Stuff-- Tuesday, 28 July 2020

Running low on July, the last of the months with short names.  Boo!  And, being a month into Summer, we already can discern shortened "day" length.  Day being defined as the hours and minutes between the sunrise and the sunset.  Getting shorter every day.  Saddens me, every year.  Always will.
We are Next Door right now.  Wife's niece and the great-niece are off somewhere at a practice session for the presentation of a program of dance for the great-niece which is scheduled for the coming weekend, which we must attend, of course.
Niece's husband is off to work his 12 hour midnight tour.  We have the VERY active 3-year-old great nephew.  Such fun.
Today's Readings 

Ezra 9
Ezra 10

Psalm 129

2nd Corinthians 1