07 August 2020

Today's Readings and Stuff-- Friday, 07 August 2020

And Friday now.  I had hoped to accomplish some things this week, but have been occupied with duties to Wife with little break.  
She has been feeling downright awful all this week and much of the one before.  The current course of antibiotics is planned to extend through the coming Tuesday.  After that we shall see.  Breathing is difficult, which is worrisome of course.  But we shall see: we've been through this before.  Several times.
We'd been scheduled to attend a recital fo both the great nieces, tomorrow.  Won't happen.  One of them has a birthday party Sunday, but that won't have us there either.  Hard on all.

Beginning the book of Job today.  This may well be the oldest book in the Bible, somr believe Job was around before Abram, possibly around Noah's era.  The Torah, the books of Moses, cover periods well before then, but the Lord gave them to Moses.  The accounts and issues in Job are universal and timeless.  Most of us have called out to the Lord the WHY???
Job 1. 2

Psalm 137

2nd Corinthians 9

06 August 2020

Today's Readings and Stuff -- Thursday, 06 August 2020

Happy Thursday to all.
Wife is still having a pretty rough go of it.  For someone who has been through so much for virtually her whole life to say "I feel awful" is not a good sign.  The fever has pretty much gone down, but breathing is still an issue.
We will see what the morning brings.

On top of things, I got a letter recently notifying me of call to jury duty.  I sent questionnaire back today, answering all, but asking to be excused due to my caregiver responsibilities.  We'll see how that goes.

Esther 9, 10

Psalm 136

2nd Corinthians 8

05 August 2020

Today's Readings and Stuff-- Wednesday 05 August 2020

I spent ALL of yesterday doing the caretaker thing.  Spent a while in bed in the early morning, while Wife still (finally) sleeping, reading the day's passages using the app on my phone.  Good passages at that.  About all the meaningful reading I accomplished for the day.
Wife may - note the word may - be starting to feel the effects of this current round of antibiotics.  Takes a bit longer every time, but we're into the third day of it, so perhaps things will head in the right direction.  We shall see.  
One of the great-nieces, the one whose mother is in chemotherapy for a nasty breast cancer, has a birthday party Saturday at the grandmother's house halfway across the county.  At this point, I doubt we'll be able to go.  Probably safer to practice that "social distancing" stuff with all the compromised immune systems rampant.


Esther 7 and 8

Psalm 135

2nd Corinthians 7

03 August 2020

Today's Readings and Stuff -- Monday, 03 August 2020

We're into a new week and a new month.  That's OK I guess.  Means we're closer to Autumn than I like, but that's what it is.  (I only like the months it short names, but this year, we had that abomination of snow well into May, so that took some of the joy from it).
Wife is sick.  Again.  Was all weekend.  Called the doctor first thing this morning, best they could do is a "tele-medicine", not even an "e-visit", for late this afternoon.  Probably yet another sinus/upper respiratory infection, aggravated by the asthma she's suffered since birth.  We'll see.  Complication is that she was scheduled for visits to two specialists this week: pulmonologist Wednday morning, rheumatologist- an hour's drive from here - on Thursday.  Under the circumstances, had to cancel/reschedule both.  The pulmonologist appointment was one she was supposed to have back in March, but had been delayed due to the Chinese flu Covid thing.  And sorely needed.
Not a great start to the week and month.

I was reading an article yesterday on the subject of prayer.  A very important matter, extremely so.  Author made mention of a hymn / spiritual song, one I've not sung in too many years, and now can't forget.  "There Is Room At The Cross".  Look it up.  Sing along.  This is one from the heart.
Psalm 133

Esther 3, 4
"For Such A Time As This" is a song, a personal favorite, that goes with this.  A sermon or lesson or program all in itself, truly.

2nd Corinthians  5
We could do an awful lot of discussion on this passage.  And should, it's imprtant.