15 August 2020

Today's Readings and Stuff - Saturday, 15 August 2020 revised

Happy Saturday to all.
We -- Wife and I -- are "next door" as we "watch" the kids for a little while as their parents are on some errands.  We enjoy it.
Wife has been improving as she has been in this new regimen of antibiotics.  Finished the last pill this morning, it's supposed to be working in her system through Monday.  So she was able to step outside earlier.  Doesn't sound like much, but she's been miserable for the last three weeks.  Being able and willing to walk across the drive and small yard represents a great deal.  No big deal, until you can't.
A good thing, these episodes are wearing me down as well.
She even promised to cut my hair later.  Needs it badly.  I know some guys who do it themselves, and I could probably manage it, but it gives her a feeling of accomplishment.  Worth a lot.
I had intended to "do the necessary" today to get the desktop computer back in service again.  Other "duties" took precedence.  Perhaps Monday?  If not, it will be delayed.  Next door niece and family, meaning these kids, are to head out Monday morning on a trip to Gatlinburg and we are taking care of their dog all week.  Tuesday, the other niece-in-law goes in for her weekly chemotherapy for the aggressive breast cancer, so we'll be over there with their kids all day.
Reference repaired

Job 19, 20

12 August 2020

Today's Readings and Stuff-- Wednesday, 12 August 2020


Another day.  Wife is on her second day of the new antibiotic.  It seems to be helping somewhat with the upper respiratory infection stuff. But it's also led to some "unfortunate" effects upon her digestive system, which isn't fun.  Still hurts to breathe, which isn't unknown for someone who had her first asthma attack 8 hours after her premature birth.


Job 11, 12

Psalm 140

2nd Corinthians 12

11 August 2020

Today's Readings and Stuff-- Tuesday, 11 August 2020

Another "fun" day, as was yesterday.  Wife completed her course of the antibiotics first thing yesterday, still felt dreadful, so we called doctor.  To be informed that he wasn't in nor going to be all day.  But that an effort would be made to contact him and pass the message.  Never heard back.  All too typical, and not just during this "Chinese flu" pandemic. 
So, this morning, we called again.   To be informed that he wouldn't be in today either. No other information.  We were able to learn that their "walk in clinic", note: not the "urgent care" that is also open but charges a co-pay beyond our means, is open again.  So, off we went, a good distance but doable.  To be archly informed that she couldn't go in if she is sick!!  I guess only healthy people are allowed in.  Sound stupid to you??  Me too.  So, headed back home.  While enjoying route, Wife called doctor office to pass the info to them.  At which time, she was informed that, last night!, doc had called in a prescription to our pharmacy of a different antibiotic.  Neither the doctor nor his office nor the pharmacy had bestirred themselves to let us in on it.  So she called the pharmacy.  All of this while we're flying down the highway.  At which point, pharmacy confirmed the order, told us it was ready in fact, and when were we picking it up?  So I dropped Wife at home.  Went Across The Line, picked up the new drug, came home.  Glad for the medicine, etc. But surely there are better ways to do this.  Surely. 
She took the initial dose, has gone back to bed. Still feeling dreadful as she has for the last three weeks.  Getting sick and tired of being sick and tired.
I hope there's a point to all of this.  It's not fun.

Song of the day: "More About Jesus".  In mind upon waking, not sung or heard nearly enough in my opinion.


Job 9, 10

Psalm 139

2nd Corinthians 11