16 July 2020

Stuff for Thursday, 16 July 2020

Another day.  Just got done with the major part of putting down the laminate flooring in that back room.  Still need to put the quarter round around the edges, etc., but a lot of work has been completed.  Still need to put some down in the hall, but that will have to wait until the work along the wall between living area and that room, where we have around 30 inches of collapsed rotted out floor, is addressed on Saturday and Sunday.  At which time the plan (Lord willing) is to put laminate there as well. And to marry that up with the hall flooring.  Then, hopefully, there will be a break in the action.  We hope so.

It would be nice to get into a more organized settled existence.  But that's not under our control, is it?
2nd Chonicles 21
2nd Chronicles 22

Psalm 121


1st Corinthians 9

Brief for Wednesday, 15 July 2020

The last few weeks have been crazy for us.  I think we might be looking at a break in that, about a week from yesterday or so, but we shall see.  We spent all, ALL of last week on that back room with collapsed floor and such.  Got the structural stuff mostly done late Sunday afternoon /evening.  Hope to get some work done on the collapsing floor area in the adjacent living room on Satrday-Sunday.  Not quite the best way to occupy the Lord's day, but that is the time that brother in law has to donate, for which I'm grateful.  Spent a little while today starting to put down the new laminate.  After, of course, another doctor appointment for Wife, noon this time.  Went well, but the prep, going, return, recovery, and then a very late lunch, ate up a good bit of the day.  Hope to get back at it today but there are some errands that I must tend to also.

"I Thank God I'm In His Care".

"Abide With Me"

2Chron 19
Psalm 120
1 Corinthians 8