28 May 2007

Today's Reading May 28

Today is Memorial Day. It is a solemn day in America. I am not happy at the way the day has been trivialized. It seems to me that it is disrespectful in the extreme to reduce it to a day of furniture sales and lawn care. The dead deserver more respect and solemnity than this.

My wife's foster brother was able to spend part of his active duty Army service as one of the sentinels at the Tomb of the Unknowns. It was his way of paying respects to those who had died in the service of this country, or who had paid a high price in other ways. Let us not forget that the freedoms we enjoy were bought at a high price.
Whether the freedom from the penalty of sin and death that was paid at the Cross. Or the freedom from tyranny that was paid at places like Omaha Beach, or the Battle of Trenton, or Khe Sanh. Or Baghdad.

Thank you.
This morning's reading, from the Old Testament, continues in First Chronicles, chapters 23, 24, and 25. More of the organization of the kingdom with emphasis on the organization of the priestly functions and the support groups. Some 4000 men whose whole job was to praise God. Sounds like a good calling to me!

This evening's reading from the New Testament, comes from the Gospel of John, chapter 11, verses 1 through 17. This is the initial part of the story of Lazarus.

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