03 April 2008

Reference to the Laws on Illegal Aliens

I occasionally receive e-mails from those who are unhappy about my stance on the issue of illegal aliens in the United States. I've been accused of all sorts of awful things, and also, on occasion, been engaged by those who have a position that they present in a reasonable manner.
We can argue the best ways to alter the existing laws. That discussion is a reasonable one. But, unless and until that happens, there are laws on the books, ones that have in fact been there for a good bit of time now, and those laws are supposed to be honored, and obeyed, and enforced. We all know that none of those are really going on, which is a very bad thing for the nation. Worse is that some of the worst offenders are those occupying high positions of leadership in government, business, politics, organized religion, and other associations.
There is a law. I recommend that everyone become familiar with it, and then perhaps one might press those persons, particularly those in government who are at least theoretically accountable to the citizens of this once-free land, to in fact do the jobs they are being paid to do.
Here is the reference. It refers to the Federal Immigration and Nationality Act Section 8 USC 1324(a)(1)(A)(iv)(b)(iii)
Then tell me again why we have to ''press 1 for English'', or accept that there are ''sanctuary cities'' and ''sanctuary states''.

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