03 April 2011

Today -- 03 April 2011

this is a bit different

I am writing this from a reclining chair in a hospital room. We rushed Dear Wife into the ER yesterday afternoon suffering from terrible chest pains. It does not APPEAR to be a heart attack. It is probably angina, possibly related to the pleurisy she has been fighting lately, possibly also related to the lupus, which in her cases attacks things like the sac around the heart, the membrane around the lungs, and related types of mixed connective tissue. At this rate we have no good idea of the seriousness of the matter.
The storms of life are something we have known intimately for more than the near-23 years of our marriage and the few years of courtship preceding it. Such is our life, which does not make things easier. Knowing that the Lord is with you does make it POSSIBLE, which is saying quite a lot. So we are hopeful but obviously concerned.
Things around here may be a bit disjointed for a bit. Sorry about that.

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