11 December 2020

Today's Readings and Stuff -- Friday, 11 December 2020

 Happy Friday to all.  It's something, I guess.

I'd hoped to get to sit down and create this much earlier today.  Had a good session in the pre-dawn hours, in the dark, just laying there meditating on the Lord and His plans and my directions and failures.  Not comfortable, as is often the case, but meaningful to me.  Much of it centered around the exhortations to do everything as unto the Lord.  That to include some of the "trivial" and "drudgery" stuff.  How do you take out the trash as if doing it for His glory?  Or getting the mail or buying gas or groceries?  But then, we're supposed to be putting Him on display at all times.  ALL times. Hasn't been my most notable success.  Indeed, for much of my life, even those relatively close to me (remembering my introvert nature) haven't really had a clue as to what was going on inside that head, or my beliefs of most kinds.  And I ain't alone.  Lots of us wearing camouflage.  "Safer" you know.  Have I, have many of us, had the level of excitement and energy for the Lord and His glory that we might have had for your football team or the like?  Not good.  What was that song?  "This Little Light Of Mine"?  We've been "hiding it under a bushel", and it hasn't done the world any good.  How will I answer for that?

Wife has been a bit better for most of the day.  Napping now, feeling cold and fevered, but all in all doing better.  Which doesn't translate into "good", but respiration is better and the excruciating pain in the knee is somewhat lessened, a great blessing to be sure.  We'll take it, and hope for further improvement. Would be nice, really.

As a note ref our daily readings, two notes actually.  First, we're heading down to the end of the year and the conclusion of the reading schedule I've been using.  I'm still not certain about the year to come.  I believe firmly in the practice of daily Bible study and several years, like 20-some, ago adopted the "through the Bible in a year" practice.  I still believe in that, noting along with that that it doesn't forbid doing additional more intense study of particular passages and themes.  There are several suggested timetables out there, I used the one put out by the Gideons for several years and am considering doing so again in the year to come.  No firm decision yet.

Along those lines, our daily Old Testament readings have us into the so-called Minor Prophets, and there is a terrible temptation to treat them lightly, even to skip over them.  Please do not do so!  Short they are, compared to, say, Isaiah, but they are meaningful still.  And we're also in the Revelation in our New Testament section.  I have had a policy for several years of never ever commenting on the  Revelation.   I don't feel adequate to the task, and I've spent too many years hearing strongly conflicting interpretations of it.  I agree that it is important (or it wouldn't be there) but it's above my pay grade.  



Lamentation for Israel
1Listen to this message that I am singing for you, a lament,  house of Israel:
2She has fallen;
Virgin Israel  will never rise again. 
She lies abandoned on her land,
with no one to raise her up. 
3For the Lord God says:
The city that marches out a thousand strong
will have only a hundred left, 
and the one that marches out a hundred strong
will have only ten left  in the house of Israel.
Seek God and Live
4For the Lord says to the house of Israel:
Seek Me and live! 
5Do not seek Bethel 
or go to Gilgal 
or journey to Beer-sheba, 
for Gilgal will certainly go into exile,
and Bethel will come to nothing.
6Seek Yahweh  and live,
or He will spread like fire 
throughout the house of Joseph;
it will consume everything,
with no one at Bethel to extinguish it. 
7Those who turn justice into wormwood 
throw righteousness to the ground.
8The One who made the Pleiades and Orion, 
who turns darkness  into dawn 
and darkens day into night, 
who summons the waters of the sea 
and pours them out over the face of the earth  —
Yahweh is His name. 
9He brings destruction  on the strong,  
and it falls on the stronghold. 
10They hate the one who convicts the guilty 
at the city gate
and despise  the one who speaks with integrity.
11Therefore, because you trample on the poor 
and exact a grain tax from him,
you will never live in the houses of cut stone 
you have built;
you will never drink the wine
from the lush vineyards
you have planted. 
12For I know your crimes are many
and your sins innumerable.
They oppress the righteous,  take a bribe,
and deprive the poor of justice  at the gates.
13Therefore, the wise person will keep silent  
at such a time,
for the days are evil.
14Seek good and not evil
so that you may live,
and the Lord, the God of Hosts,
will be with you,
as you have claimed. 
15Hate evil and love good; 
establish justice in the gate. 
Perhaps the Lord, the God of Hosts, will be gracious 
to the remnant of Joseph. 
16Therefore Yahweh, the God of Hosts, the Lord, says:
There will be wailing in all the public squares; 
they will cry out in anguish  in all the streets.
The farmer will be called on to mourn, 
and professional mourners   to wail.
17There will be wailing in all the vineyards, 
for I will pass among you. 
The Lord has spoken.
The Day of the Lord
18Woe to you who long for the Day of the Lord
What will the Day of the Lord be for you?
It will be darkness and not light. 
19It will be like a man who flees from a lion 
only to have a bear confront him.
He goes home and rests his hand against the wall
only to have a snake bite him.
20Won’t the Day of the Lord
be darkness rather than light, 
even gloom without any brightness in it? 
21I hate, I despise your feasts! 
I can’t stand the stench
of your solemn assemblies. 
22Even if you offer Me
your burnt offerings and grain offerings, 
I will not accept them; 
I will have no regard
for your fellowship offerings of fattened cattle. 
23Take away from Me the noise of your songs!
I will not listen to the music of your harps. 
24But let justice flow like water,
and righteousness, like an unfailing stream. 
25“House of Israel, was it sacrifices and grain offerings that you presented to Me during the 40 years in the wilderness?  26But you have taken up  Sakkuth   your king  and Kaiwan  your star god, images you have made for yourselves.  27So I will send you into exile beyond Damascus.”  Yahweh, the God of Hosts, is His name.  He has spoken.



The Mighty Angel and the Small Scroll
1Then I saw another mighty angel  coming down from heaven, surrounded by a cloud, with a rainbow  over his head.  His face was like the sun, his legs  were like fiery pillars,  2and he had a little scroll opened in his hand. He put his right foot on the sea, his left on the land, 3and he cried out with a loud voice like a roaring lion. When he cried out, the seven thunders spoke with their voices. 4And when the seven thunders spoke, I was about to write. Then I heard a voice from heaven, saying, “Seal up what the seven thunders said,  and do not write it down! ”
5Then the angel that I had seen standing on the sea and on the land raised his right hand to heaven. 6He swore an oath by the One who lives forever and ever,  who created heaven and what is in it, the earth and what is in it, and the sea and what is in it: “There will no longer be an interval of time,  7but in the days of the sound of the seventh angel,  when he will blow his trumpet, then God’s hidden plan  will be completed, as He announced to His servants  the prophets.” 
8Now the voice that I heard from heaven spoke to me again and said, “Go, take the scroll that lies open in the hand of the angel who is standing on the sea and on the land.”
9So I went to the angel and asked him to give me the little scroll. He said to me, “Take and eat it; it will be bitter in your stomach, but it will be as sweet as honey in your mouth.” 
10Then I took the little scroll from the angel’s hand and ate it. It was as sweet as honey in my mouth, but when I ate it, my stomach became bitter.  11And I was told,  “You must prophesy again about  many peoples, nations, languages, and kings.” 

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