15 January 2007

Illegal Immigration, Part 1005

Like many Americans, I have been outraged by the Bush Administration's malfeasance, mis-feasance, non-feasance, anti-feasance, whatever on the issue of illegal immigration. The scandalous persecution, yes persecution of two
Border agents to the extent that they have been railroaded into a federal prison starting in two days, has only served to prove that the President has dishonored his oath of office in this matter. While I regard Mr. Bush as a generally good man, and voted for him in two general elections, he has been a disaster in this matter. The current situation is one in which he has embraced our foes (the illegals) and damaged our nation. Perhaps you have a good term for that.

While many matters surrounding the issue can be open to interpretation and dispute, I was made aware earlier of some figures that seem to prove that the Bush administration has no intention of following nor of enforcing the laws, things that they are not only responsible for, but have sworn to do. And then ignored their oaths and duties. A comparison of enforcement actions, taken from the vdare web site.

Worksite arrests of illegal alien workers:

1997: 17,554
1999: 2,849
2000: 953
2001: 735
2003: 445
2004: 159

Notices of intent to fine employers:
1997: 865
1999: 417
2000: 178
2001: 100
2003: 162
2004: 3

It is difficult to draw any conclusion other than to believe that the Administration is uninterested in carrying out the duties that they, and in particular the President, are sworn to do.

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