16 January 2007

Today's Reading - Jan 16

Morning portion Genesis chapters 38, 39, and 40

Evening portion the Gospel according to Matthew, chapter 12, verses 22-50


  1. hey, what a coincidence, i happened to read Gen. 39 today too. that's funny. but tell me the impact you got from Joseph's strength. i mean, he was the king's top go to guy, never failed him. his wife continuously persued him sexually and did not give in to temptation. then was accused of rape and went to prison for it. lol, tell me that isnt crazy. but anyhow, joseph never lost faith. he just persevered and did what was right and suffered in prison for something he did not do. tell me he didnt write the book on "integrity"!!!

  2. One definition of integrity is doing the right thing even when it's hard, even when it's inconvenient, even if nobody (human) is watching.
    Look at the history of this guy:
    his own brothers sell him to slavetraders,
    he ends up in some official's household where he rises a bit in the slave ranks,
    is falsely accused of a heinous crime,
    gets tossed into a prison (and I have no reason to believe it had modern conveniences

    and yet, later on, when those who put him into all of this come before him, he has the discernment to know that God planned it all for good. The necessary end result could not have come about otherwise.

    The situations we are in are not necessarily an indication that God has abandoned us, nor that we are being punished. Molded, perhaps. But sometimes there is a deeper purpose. If we focus on the circumstances rather than on Him, we can go very wrong.
    Believe me, I know.


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