04 January 2007

Today's Reading - Jan 04

Today's installment of the 'through the Bible in a year' plan.

Morning Genesis Chapters 8, 10, and 11
Evening the Gospel According to Matthew Chapter 4

The passage in Matthew's gospel begins with the temptation of Jesus in the wilderness,a and ends with the beginning of His ministry and the calling of Simon Peter and Andrew.

The passages in Genesis begin with Noah and his sons after the Flood, and continues with the generations following that, through the tower of Babel (sometimes identified as being near Babylon, near Baghdad) and ends the chapter with the birth and marriage of Abram through the death of his father Terah.


  1. TN, your faithfulness blesses me. The John MacArthur daily bible includes Psalms and Proverbs, which I am reading (since I just joined Grace Community Church). I am doing a paper on Jesus' emotions, of which I am so inadequate... Chronological Bible is also interesting format... as long as we obey whichever version, that is our goal! To live is Christ! II Cor 3:3 mj-

  2. One of my study Bibles is one that John MacArthur was involved in. It's a good one.
    So far as the emotions of Jesus, we knew that He had them - ''Jesus wept'' is not a description of a faker, as one example.
    At the same time, He was not governed by His emotions, something we humans are prone to do. He did a great deal out of love, and still does too, but He had the facility of keeping things in perspective, perhaps in part because He was always in close communion with the Father, except at the end on the Cross. We also can have that constant communion, but rarely do.
    Just a thought.


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