14 November 2008

Another Installment in the Illegal Aliens Saga

We haven't done one of these for a little while.

Let's see, we have here a report of how the Dallas Independent School District, in open and gross violation of law and of basic decent behavior, has been and remains complicit in widespread fraud, identity theft, collusion, and aiding and abetting criminal behavior. It seems they've been PROVIDING fake Social Security numbers, including some belonging to real live U.S. citizens, in order to get illegal aliens on the payroll. Including those who will have contact with school children, (this is a school district, remember?)
Now, I am on record as favoring summary execution for any and all illegal aliens polluting our land. I have no different a recommendation for those colluding in this matter. Starting at the very top.
Hang them. All. Publicly. Today.

While we're on the subject, let's turn our attention to San Francisco, California. There we have a young person, or did: he's dead now. At the hands of, you guessed it, another illegal alien. One that was arrested last year on an assault charge, but was as a matter of policy, shielded by the officials of that sordid city on the bay.
So, as a result of criminal nonfeasance in office and collusion in concealing a crime, a very real young man, Ivan Miranda by name, is dead. Dead, murdered in fact, at the hands of one Rony Aguilera. I am not inclined to be nice. Rony Aguilera is an illegal from Honduras. One might suspect he did not come alone to stink up this country. Take him and his cohorts out, today yet, and execute them all as non-uniformed invaders. But do likewise to the low-down, slimy creeps that run the city of San Francisco. They also have blood on their hands and deserve nothing more than this.

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