04 August 2019

Today's "Stuff" for Sunday, 04 August 2019

I had intended to put quite a bit into this.  Events have overtaken me.

Wife heard a mysterious sound from the front bedroom, what we use for "dead" storage of stuff.  I went in and found water, lots and lots of water, spraying all over from our electric water heater in the closet.  NOT a good sign!  Naturally enough, the "fine people" who designed and built this place, chose to save money by having about no local shutoffs for water.  So, I "got" to crawl into the crawlspace, and cut off ALL of our water.  We have no flowing water.  I'm not much of a plumber, so I will let things dry out a bit,  probably over night, and then recheck (or at least attempt to do so) to see if the unit itself is trashed or if we've developed yet another pipe failure (we've had several in our time here, including two of them related to that same water heater).  Wife's already been calling the "payday loan" people to check into the potential for a $300 short-term loan in case we have to go that route and buy a new heater unit. I suspect it will run closer to $400 at best, but we shall see.

So I'm not at my best right now.

This has not been a fun year.  I realize that everyone has struggles and bumps in the road and all of that, but it feels like we've had more than our fair share, especially over the last year or so.  It doesn't help that wife is suffering what may be bladder stones or, more likely, interstitial cystitis, which is one of those lupus/autoimmune disease not-very-fun issues.  We shall see.

Oh, and while I was at church services this morning, a wire that holds lend in Wife's glasses broke.  So now we'll have to visit the eyeglasses bunch at the Wally World to get *that* fixed also.  Just more "fun".

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