05 August 2019


It is 8:10 p.m.  I just turned the main line to our hovel back on.  No leakage evedent (thank You Lord ) at the water heater.  I have turned on the breakers to the electric water heater.  We appear to be ok for now.  At a later time, will have to buy some more of the "Pex" stuff and do a better fix:  I had to cut off the "holey" section with a $pecial cutter made for that, and slide what little slack there was onto the heater's inlet pipe.  That used ALL the slack:  getting it on was not enjoyable nor easy.  Need to plumb in a new section to give some slack.  The floor under that area has been badly damaged, so that's another needed project.
But it appears we can wash dishes, and ourselves as well, and flush the toilets in our normal frequency rather than water saving mode.
Things are a bit better, perhaps.

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