29 March 2007

Today's Reading March 29

Good morning. The Easter celebration is fast approaching. It is something that we should be keeping in mind during the course of this through-the-Bible journey. The Bible readings, the Bible itself, are not useful simply to gain familiarity over a book, even a very special book. The Bible is a record of the Lord's love for us over a very long time, and it all points to Jesus. The Promised Land to which He led the Israelites during the Exodus and, during the time of Joshua, to the occupation, is only a glimpse of the real Promise that we have through Christ Jesus. And, just as in the division of the land shown in Joshua, no detail escapes His attention and no name is unimportant.
This morning's reading, from the Old Testament, is Joshua 23 and 24. This completes the book of Joshua.
This evening's reading, from the New Testament, is from the Gospel of Luke, chapter 6, verses 27 through 49. Some of the most memorable parts of all the New Testament (which is saying quite a lot!).
On a personal note, I am waiting for The Call to let me know that my mother has passed over into the presence of the Lord and has left her sickness and pain behind. That will set me off on a journey of 2000 miles or so and I will likely be absent a few days. Pray for us.

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