26 April 2007

Further bleg 26 April 2007

I ask that the family and I be in your prayers. It appears certain that my position with my current employer is ending. We have endured so much over the last years - plant closings, buyouts, mergers, downsizings, etc. Since 1992, we have moved across state lines four times and have endured terrible privations. And I'm considered to be a valued professional, respected and accomplished in the area of manufacturing engineering. Perhaps I would have done better to train as a machinist or plumber - such people are in high demand. Which is not always the case with those of us in the so-called ''STEM'' areas of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.

While I believe in the sovereignty and presence of Almighty God in the world, and I know that He not only cares for us but knew long ago that this would be our lot, I confess to a hope that we might achieve a less tumultuous life - something we've never had. I'm getting tired of job hunting and relocations.

Well, it is official. I have now rejoined the ranks of the unemployed. This is not what I hoped to be reporting at this stage in my life, but that's the reality of the matter.
Having said all of that, I am aware that God knew a million or so years ago that this would happen. And He sent me into this situation knowing that. He has always been faithful, despite having pretty poor stock to work with.
If you happen to be surfing around on the 'Net, you might want to check out a piece of music I'm listening to right now, created by Mike Speck of the Specks, called '' Till the Storm Passes By''. URL is http://www.mikespeckministries.com/MP3/Till%20The%20Storm%20Passes%20By.mp3
It expresses the moment pretty well. I was privileged a few years ago to be a member of a backup choral group for one of the Speck's performances in Tennessee. They have a powerful message.

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