09 May 2007

Today's Reading May 09

This morning's reading from the Old Testament continues in First Kings, chapters 19 and 20. This is depressing, at least to me. We begin with more of the Elijah vs. Jezebel and Ahab row. Jezebel is seeking Elijah's life after he slaughtered the Baal prophets at the Kishon, and he's running for his life. The chapter ends with his commissioning of Elisha as his successor. Chapter 20 is more of the account of Ahab and his fights with the Syrians (yes, that's a very old war and it continues even today). From the outward signs, Israel has become just another kingdom in the area. While Ahab was by all accounts remarkably wicket, that would make him fit in well with the other kings in the area, he'd be just like everyone else. That too is an old problem.
The evening reading is from the Gospel of John, chapter 2. It begins with Jesus' first recorded miracle, the changing of the water into wine. This an episode that has drawn much commentary and I'll remain silent on the subject of whether the wine was actually wine or just unfermented grape juice. But I suspect it was wine. The chapter then records Jesus driving the moneychangers and vendors out of the Temple area.

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