03 December 2019

Today's Readings and Stuff -- Tuesday, 03 December 2019

Another "fun" day.  Wife was up and down several times during the night, mostly due to some of the painful, quite painful, conditions that are part of her life and have been.  So she slept in late, and I tried hard to not disturb that needed rest.  Once she was up and around, and we had broken our fast ( and swilled some coffee of course), I was sent out to pick up a few needed supplies as a very small check had hit the bank so we had the means.  Back home, deal with some issues.  Then we had to jump back in the chariot and run halfway across the county to get a document from our bank to send to the loan company.  Back home, fax the documents off.  Light lunch.  Do some laundry.  Then across the yard to "watch" the kids while their dad at work and their mom at a school parents meeting.  Back home, very late dinner of warmed up leftover vegetable soup.

Fun life, right?

Days like this gobble up the hours, and the matters dealt with are necessary.  I can't believe that this is all there is.  Or should be.

Today, chapters 5 and 6 in the book of Hosea.

Today, chapter 3 of the Revelation.

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